The Yearbook is the official ARF conference proceedings. Our goal for the Yearbook is to reflect the quality of presentations at the annual American Reading Forum conference and prepare work to be disseminated to a wider audience. The editors would like to emphasize that a further purpose of the yearbook is to support authors. Manuscript submissions are peer-reviewed. Authors, if their manuscript is accepted, may choose to significantly revise their submissions for publication elsewhere. All submissions are original, unpublished work.
All 2023 conference presenters are encouraged to submit manuscripts based on their presentation for possible publication in the ARF Yearbook: Teaching Beyond Silos: Transdisciplinary Perspectives of Theory, Research, and Pedagogy.
The ARF Yearbook is an annual, peer-reviewed publication of conference proceedings. To be considered, a manuscript must be based on a conference presentation and previously unpublished. Authors of manuscripts are encouraged to use feedback from reviewers to revise and submit their work in other venues.
Graduate students are encouraged to participate in the mentor program. Participants will be matched with an established scholar who will mentor them in using feedback and navigating revision in the publication process. If you are a graduate student who wishes to participate, please indicate this in your submission email.
Submissions are due March 8, 2024. Please see the Guidelines for Manuscript Preparation and Submission for more information.
ARF Yearbook Editors are seeking manuscript reviewers for the newest edition of The ARF Online Yearbook. Reviewers will be responsible for at least two manuscripts. Manuscript review will begin March 30th. Interested? Contact: savitzr22@ecu.edu
The editors are seeking established researchers who are willing to mentor one graduate student in the use of peer feedback and revision of their manuscript. Interested? Contact: savitzr22@ecu.edu